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Good Food Strategy

Good Food Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleGood Food Strategy
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThe strategy covers the period 2020-2025. It provides a framework for actions to move towards healthier, fairer and more sustainable food systems in the Council's area and to make sure that food plays a positive role in everyone's lives. A food system includes all the complex web of activities from field to fork. Change in food systems has the potential to tackle challenges and bring positive outcomes in relation to health, well-being, social connections, poverty and inequalities, economy including agriculture and tourism, environment and climate change, and animal welfare.
ConclusionThe strategy is expected to affect children, targeted groups using Council services, people suffering from food poverty, food and drink businesses, food growers, food consumers, consumers buying or receiving food from the public sector and all residents of South Lanarkshire.

The assessment has shown that no negative impact on the following categories has been identified: age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

The assessment has demonstrated positive impacts on different groups with different level of impacts depending on the nature of the group.
There are evidence of positive impacts on age and in particular children, young people and elderly. The strategy will also affect women during pregnancy and maternity periods.
Because the strategy aims at tackling food poverty, some protected groups will be positive affected. It is the case for people having disabilities, women (gender), lone parents (marriage and civil partnership). People choosing specific type of food because of their religion and belief will also be positively affected as the strategy aims at promoting food which suits all needs and demands, in particular in public places.
It is also important to highlight that the strategy aims at promoting good food to all residents and therefore all protected groups will be positively affected.

One of the purpose of the strategy is also to use food as a catalyst to foster social connections. Therefore, it is expected that the strategy will support good relations between residents of South Lanarkshire regardless if they belong to a protected group. Serving food which is appropriate to everyone in public places could also contribute in facilitating participation of all in public life.
Completion date28-JAN-2020
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AreaCouncil Wide