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Only 5% of scams are ever reported.

Only 5% of scams are ever reported. | South Lanarkshire Council
Type of scamVarious
DateAugust 2019
ScamAll scams
Details of scamIf you’ve been scammed on social media, you should still report it ❗

Social media scams can reach large numbers of people, with scammers using your profile to personalise the scam, targeting a specific individual or demographic.

The scammer can hide their true identity behind a fake profile to mislead people, impersonate a trusted source and make false claims.

When the scam is posted, it can be shared unwittingly, reaching an even bigger audience

Be wary of offers you see online, especially if the offer seems too-good-to-be-true. Always Google the company to check reviews and if there’s any mention of scams linked to their name. If it’s a company you recognise, contact them independently to check if the offer is legitimate.

South Lanarkshire residents can report scams to us at
Audience targetedEveryone