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Savings 2016-17 Family Respite Service SWR13

Savings 2016-17 Family Respite Service SWR13 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Family Respite Service SWR13
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work
Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this policy is to redesign the existing Family Respite Service "Shared Care" supported by two staff and
volunteers, to be a South Lanarkshire wide service, delivered by the Voluntary Sector, who specialise in the support
and development of volunteers. Service Users may access the family respite service due to disability, age or infirmity.
The re-design will see the service being delivered via the voluntary sector who have the flexibility to recruit volunteers
more widely, and who may be able to lever in funding from other sources in the further development of the project.
ConclusionThe re-design of the family respite services will see the service continuing to be delivered albeit in a different manner.
The service by its nature is a befriending service, breaking down the social isolation experienced by older people, and
their carers and therefore investment in this type of activity and other preventative strategies to ensure people remain
in their own homes continues to be required.

It is considered that the management and support of volunteers sits more appropriately with the voluntary sector than
this Resource. The project will benefit a wider group of people if based within the voluntary sector as the sector has the
flexibility to recruit volunteers more widely, lever in funding from other sources in the further development of the project
and can mobilise volunteer resources more readily and in a wider Lanarkshire context.

The conclusion of this assessment is that individuals will not be adversely affected by the re-design of the service as
they will still have a service based on need with their individual circumstances taken into account.

Staff delivering the service may be affected, however anyone who is will be absorbed into the overall Home Care workforce.
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide