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Savings 2016-17 Ground Services review

Savings 2016-17 Ground Services review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Ground Services review
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesTo identify and review best use of available resources which resulted in the following efficiencies being identified with
minimum impact on staff and service users:

Current grounds maintenance specification without serious effect on the legislative requirements of the service.

Current core overtime payments and reduce where appropriate.

Current outsourced support to Gala days Council wide and bring back in house.

Current response times in dealing with non offensive graffiti.

Current provision of horticulture services including annual bedding, hanging baskets and hedge maintenance.
Grubbing/cemetery grass.
ConclusionGround Services are required to review best use of available resources for 2016/17 and proposals to reduce or remove
services that were either non essential or had minimum impact on service users and staff were identified.

In terms of the review of existing grounds specifications, reduction in overtime expenditure, reducing response times to
non offensive graffiti and the reduction in the provision of horticultural services there is no detrimental effect on any of
the equality groups identified. There is however a detrimental effect on both full time and seasonal employees.

The outcome of this review is that 19 FTE and 14 seasonals will be displaced and are predominantly male. This
reduction in staff will be managed through trade union negotiations and in line with the Council's Collective Agreement
to redeploy all displaced staff through the Council's Switch2 programme or through natural wastage such as retiral or
backfilling of vacancies. It is therefore anticipated that the impact will be mitigated as far as possible.
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide