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Savings 2016-17 Facilities service review

Savings 2016-17 Facilities service review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Facilities service review
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThe Facilities Service Review was undertaken to provide efficiency savings for 2016/17 and this is on-going at this
time. This year 2 of the efficiency savings programme and the proposals are:

• The removal of Cashless School meals system in 17 Secondary schools total savings of £69k. £56K from
Community & Enterprise Resources and £13k from Education Resources which is the contribution from each resource
to support this IT system. A web based payment system for schools is scheduled for pilot commencing October 2015
and this system operates with direct links to the cashless system. If, following the pilot this link is still required, then
removal of the cashless system will not be possible. This would result in the saving being undeliverable.

• Review of Concierge services in Principal Offices. The proposal would review current services delivery of Council
Officers and reduce the operating hours in principle offices see an amendment to the work plans and shift patterns that
will result in a reduction of concierge staff in 3 of the Principal Offices including Atholl House, Brandon Gate and
Cambuslang Gate. This will result in a saving of £13k in 2016/17

• Review of catering staffing structure. The proposal would see a reduction of Facility Co-ordinators and will effect a
saving of £ 141K in 2016/17.
ConclusionAs Facilities Services are required to contribute to the overall Council’s savings package for 2016/17 and thereafter, a
review of all services was carried by the Facilities Service Review Group. The review is on-going at this time and this
is year 2 of the efficiency savings programme.

In terms of the removal of cashless school meal system, review of concierge services in principal offices and the review
of catering services staffing structure there is no negative impacts identified relating to specified equality groups,
however the full impact of this proposal will not be fully known until implemented.

In relation to removal of cashless school meal system, if, following the pilot this link is still required, then removal of the
cashless system will not be possible. This would result in the saving being undeliverable. If cashless is removed
Community & Enterprise Resources and Education Resources would require to be put alternative systems in place to
ensure anonymity of free school meal eligible pupils which is a legislative requirement.

The outcome of this review does however have a detrimental effect on employees , the outcome of this review is that
8 FTE posts will be affected . For the concierge and catering co-ordinators this reduction will be managed through
Trade Union negotiation and in line with the Council’s Collective Agreement to redeploy all displaced staff through the
Council’s Switch 2 programme or through the natural wastage such as retirals or non –filling of vacant posts.

No evidence to support that this proposal will have an impact of specified gender & age group at this time.
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide