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Savings 2016-17 Sports hall hire increases

Savings 2016-17 Sports hall hire increases | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Sports hall hire increases
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesTo determine the impact on service delivery and usage that may result from increasing charges. Increase in charges is
required in order to continue to deliver services to all parts of the community. The fee currently charged for Sports Hall
hire does not reflect the fees charged by other Local Authorities and the private sector. It is proposed that the fee will
be increased by 7% as follows:

Band 1 current price £36.05 to increase to £38.57

Band 2 current price £39.35 to increase to £42.10

(prices are based on adult hall hire price depending on size of hall, ie. 4 court and 3 court badminton halls. Other
associated adult hall hire prices would also be increased by the same percentage to keep the pricing harmonised)

Thereafter it is proposed that the fee will be subject to the usual annual increase.
ConclusionI would recommend the price increase of 7% for Sports Hall hire to bringing the price from £36.05 to £38.57 for Band 1
and Band 2 from £39.35 to £42.10 (adult prices).

This would also include associated prices for example social and commercial prices would be the same in percentage
difference as it currently stands, so a 50% reduction would still be 50% of the new price. We have reviewed current
charges and benchmarked with other Local Authorities and Trusts and we believe that the price increase is within
market tolerance and is a reasonable price to pay for Sports Hall hire. We are also confident that we can
accommodate people on low income through our Leisure for All concession scheme. The change to this policy allows
us to harmonise our pricing for all sports hall hire.
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide