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Savings 2016-17 Overall proposals assessment

Savings 2016-17 Overall proposals assessment | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Overall proposals assessment
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesOn an annual basis all Council Resources are asked to identify and realise savings to ensure the delivery of services at
best value whilst also maintaining a high standard of customer delivery. As part of the exercise Resources must

conduct equality impact assessments to ensure all financial decisions are being made with evidence and an assurance
that where possible any adverse impact is removed, mitigated or if necessary justified. The purpose of this overall

assessment is to identify any cumulative effect on individuals or groups who share protected characteristics from the

overall savings package for 2016/17.
ConclusionThe Council, like all other public authorities, continues to assess the services it provides to ensure that it is meeting the
needs of the community it is serving in an efficient, effective and accesible way within its available budget. This could
lead to changes that are likely to effect our communities. In making any changes, the Council will continue to consult
fully with the community in order to minimise any adverse impact of change and to identify any actions which can
mitigate negative impact.

The Councils savings proposals for the year ahead are subject to consultation and individual impact assessment.
Where adverse impact is identified, steps will be taken to limit the effect on protected groups. It is recognised that there
may be a disproportionate effect on childern requiring support services at school due to savings EDR11,15,16,17,18,
and 20, however, those children currently with full-time support needs will continue to receive this. There may also be
a disproportionate effect for people with disabilities and additional care needs through savings
SWR03,04,05,07,09,10,13,14,and 15 in a range of ways. Mitigating factors such as the introduction of Self Directed
Support and a continuation of the supporting your independence approach will continue to be rolled out.

The conclusion of this equality impact assessment is that having identified potential impacts for some parts of the
community covered by equalities legislation namely children and people with disabilities, or on community relations,
work must be undertaken to support and meet the needs of our communities and service users and therefore
mitigating actions are outlined in individual assessments that will protect the most vulnerable in our communities.
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide