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Savings 2016-17 Advice services review

Savings 2016-17 Advice services review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Advice services review
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesOn an annual basis all Council Resources are asked to identify and realise savings to ensure the delivery of services at
best value whilst also maintaining a high standard of customer delivery. As part of the exercise Resources must

conduct equality impact assessments to ensure all financial decisions are being made with evidence and an assurance
that where possible any adverse impact is removed, mitigated or if necessary justified. The purpose of this overall

assessment is to identify any cumulative effect on individuals or groups who share protected characteristics from the

review of Advice related services for 2016-17.
ConclusionIn 2014/15 Healthy Valleys Initiative worked with over 2,000 participants across rural South Lanarkshire in 2014/15
who were involved in 10 programmes of activity with 58 active volunteers. Healthy'n'Happy worked with over 3,300 participants in Cambuslang & Rutherglen across 13 programmes with 120 active volunteers. Voluntary Action South
Lanarkshire promoted 1,733 volunteering opportunities; had 450 young people recognised in the volunteer awards
programme; 344 voluntary organisations were supported with capacity building/training; £1.4m+ was brought into the
South Lanarkshire voluntary sector; 485 participants took part in the older people reshaping care programme; 240
individuals were on enhanced volunteering employability programmes with 215 gaining qualifications/experience and
36 gaining employment; and there was a hugely successful Public Social Partnership with the South Lanarkshire
Community Justice Authority for 37 ex-offenders with 9 gaining employment. All of these programmes were delivered
in a manner that met the needs of individuals and was inclusive of all those living in South Lanarkshire. The proposed
reduction in funding will not impact on the level of services being provided or on the manner in which they are being
delivered. It is recognised that delivery may increase through greater opportunities to provide services with the new
health and social care integration funds that will be available.

As such there is no identified negative impact arising from this proposal on the organisations or service users they
Completion date2014 - 2018
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AreaCouncil Wide