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Savings 2016-17 Employability review

Savings 2016-17 Employability review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Employability review
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesA review is ongoing regarding all current Council arrangements for deliviering employability interventions to establish
areas of overlap, duplication and opportunities for simplyifying and streamlining across the Council.

The Review will include researching best practice and recommend a preferred approach to ensure maximum impact for
expenditure. It will identify potential for reinvestment and carry out options appraisals on service delivery methods, to
ensure a consistent strategic approach.

An overall governance arrangement will be developed to ensure consistent and directed approach to Employability.
The key aim is to simplify the current process and to clearly identify the approproate route for young people and adults
into employment, taking into account individual needs and aspirations.

Through streamlining the current Employability programme it is anticipated that management efficiencies will be
ConclusionThe service review will identify appropriate efficiencies by introducing improved governance, realigned service delivery
models that will be supported by improved negotiations with providers and as such will continue to support our
strategic objectives. This will ensure the services continue to be available to a wide range of young people and adults
seeking employment and positive destination opportunities.
Completion date2014 - 2018
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide