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Savings 2016-17 Home Care Service Review

Savings 2016-17 Home Care Service Review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Home Care Service Review
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work
Aims and ObjectivesA review of the Home Care service will identify the options which will increase the efficiency of the Home Care Service
and enhance the service provided, through improved scheduling and use of mobile technology.

It will also look at existing contract arrangements for external provision including options for contract renewal and
existing scheduling arrangements, with a view to identifying options that will increase the efficiency of the Home Care

The review is focussing on a number of key areas including travel and fleet requirements for Home Carers, and will
identify any workforce planning and terms and conditions issues that may impact on Home Care provision.
ConclusionThe service review has idenfied the most effiecient and effective use of the 31,000 hours of home care delivery that the
Council has avaialble. and through consultation with the staffing groups delivering the service improvements have
been identified that will reduce the travel and tiome required to deliver the service therefore maximising the hours
available. Service users will not be affected by the proposed changes as the intention has been to ensure consistent
and high quality service continues for all those that currently use the service.

As part of the ongoing service review process the group will congtinue to meet and review the effect of the proposed
changes. Where any unidentified negative impact occurs, mitigating action will be considered where appropriate.
Completion date2014 - 2018
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide