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Savings 2016-17 Regeneration Service Review COR09

Savings 2016-17 Regeneration Service Review COR09 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Regeneration Service Review COR09
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThe review of Regeneration has the aim of developing a service that more effectively contributes to and supports the
delivery of the Council's and other partners' desired outcomes. The review will consider the structures, processes and
interventions, including funded and commissioned services, relating to regeneration activity across the Council.

The review is looking at redefining the purpose of regeneration activity within the Council and the role that
Regeneration Services should play in terms of supporting and facilitating this work.

This will include identifying areas of duplication and overlap across Resources of the Council, with a view to delivering
a more cost effective model. The review will use the best practice examples and cost benefit analysis to arrive at the
preferred delivery model.
ConclusionThe review is proposing to reduce the level of spend on a number of specific projects supported by the Tackling Poverty programme budget. In managing the reductions in contribution the focus will be where possible on reducing
overheads and running costs associated with project delivery and by doing things differently. Where there is an impact
on service delivery there will require to be a discussion with partners on a re-prioritisation of how the funds are spent,
and a focus on funding higher priority areas. Those projects affected will be:

Financial Inclusion: Homeless Support

Neighbourhood Action Planning

Raising Education Attainment and Transition Support

Rural Transport Initiatives

Financial Inclusion Development

Community Engagement

Environmental Works

The broad ranging affect of this review will have an impact on those living the most deprived areas of South
Lanarkshire and this includes vulnerable families and children, young people at risk of negative post school
destinations, children of Gypsy Travellers, homeless households affected by welfare reform and those living in rural

The review group have given consideration to the balance of reduction in service against the proposed reduction in
funding. The focus has therefore been on trying to not directly affect service delivery wherever possible by seeking
savings in administrative and supply and material costs. Whilst this will minimise the impact on individuals and
specific equality groups there are savings which will have a direct impact on a range of people.
Completion date2014 - 2018
Contact Email
Support link https://Impact Assessments
AreaCouncil Wide