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Savings 2016-17 Regen:Fx Youth Trust

Savings 2016-17 Regen:Fx Youth Trust | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSavings 2016-17 Regen:Fx Youth Trust
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThe review of Regeneration has the aim of developing a service that more effectively contributes to and supports the
delivery of the Council's and other partners' desired outcomes. The review will consider the structures, processes and
interventions, including funded and commissioned services, relating to regeneration activity across the Council.

The review is looking at redefining the purpose of regeneration activity within the Council and the role that
Regeneration Services should play in terms of supporting and facilitating this work.

This will include identifying areas of duplication and overlap across Resources of the Council, with a view to delivering
a more cost effective model. The review will use the best practice examples and cost benefit analysis to arrive at the
preferred delivery model.
ConclusionThe review group have given consideration to the balance of reduction in service against the proposed reduction in
funding. The focus has therefore been on trying to not directly affect service delivery wherever possible by seeking
savings. Whilst this will minimise the impact on individuals and specific equality groups there may be an overall impact
on the numbers the programme is able to support.

As part of the review it is proposed that there will be a reduced contribution to the Regen:Fx YouthTrust - for 2016/17
equating to a 5% reduction in the overall contribution made by the Council to Regen:Fx. The Council will work with
Regen:Fx to minimise the impact on direct service delivery examining the potential for efficiencies in running the
organisation, and at external funding to support projects.

Whilst there may be an impact on the numbers that are supported by the project, it is not considered that there will be a
disproportionate affect on any protected group and the service will continue to be delivered in a manner that is
sensitive to and understanding of individuals needs.
Completion date2014 - 2018
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide