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Savings 2016-17 Early Years EDR09

Savings 2016-17 Early Years EDR09 | South Lanarkshire Council
Title2016-17 Savings - Early Years EDR09
Council ResourceEducation
Service AreaEducation
Aims and ObjectivesThis proposal is to consider maximising the use of staff, accommodation and therefore potential places
available within early years establishments with a view to increased income generation. This includes
increasing the flexibility of service to expand options for parents if possible such as the continued offer of
wraparound services.
Education Resources are looking to expand the fee paying places by extending hours in nursery classes,
where viable, and offering parents flexibility and provision of a one stop service for early learning and
childcare needs.
ConclusionThe aim of this proposal is to positively improve the flexibility of the delivery of early learning
and childcare services offered by the Council. This is in line with the national agenda and
supporting the Working Parents agenda.
No negative impact is anticipated for any of the groups covered by the protected
characteristics in respect of this proposal as the Council will continue to support any young
person or member of staff who has an identified need.
Completion date2014 - 2018
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide