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Local Housing Strategy

Local Housing Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleLocal Housing Strategy
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing and Technical Resources
Aims and ObjectivesThe strategy articulates how the Council and its partners intend to meet housing need and demand and improve the quality of housing across all tenures in South Lanarkshire over the next five years.
ConclusionThe assessment has concluded that:-
• The strategy will have a direct impact upon all communities ;
• In a number of key instances the strategy has a particular relevance to individuals covered under the “protected characteristics” ; and
• the strategy will have a positive impact upon communities across South Lanarkshire.

The monitoring framework which will be developed to support the LHS will place particular emphasis upon assessing delivery in terms of relevant protected characteristics to ensure that the strategy is :-
• being delivered on a fair and equitable basis; and
• in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010 .
Completion date 31.1.12
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AreaCouncil Wide