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Proposed Museums Closure

Proposed Museums Closure | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleProposed Museums Closure
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThere is a proposal to close John Hastie and Hunter House museums as part of the efficiency savings.
ConclusionThe conclusion of this initial equality impact assessment has indicated no adverse impacts on any parts of the community covered by equalities legislation, or on community relations. The provision of a museums service is not a statutory requirement and these proposals should be balanced against the need for the Council to manage its budgets effectively and make the necessary level of savings. The employees affected by this proposal will be managed through the Council's Collective Agreement and Matching process and Redeployment Policy.

The proposed closures will have an impact on Council employees and a workforce profile has indicated 27 posts will be affected, 18 of whom are female. The removal of posts will be managed through the release of temporary employees, the use of the Council’s Collective Agreement and Matching Process and Redeployment Policy.
Completion datePre 2014
Contact Email
AreaEast Kilbride