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South Lanarkshire Local Plan Development Management Policies

South Lanarkshire Local Plan Development Management Policies | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSouth Lanarkshire Local Plan Development Management Policies
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThe South Lanarkshire Local Plan Development Management Policies set out some of the more frequently used topic-based development management policies that will be used to assess individual planning applications. It includes policies on extensions, alterations and other development affecting dwellings and their garden ground, hot-food shops, advertisement hoardings, telecommunications, working from home and mobile snack vans. Policies on enforcement of planning control and monitoring of development are also included. The policies also provide detailed guidance on householder proposals such as extensions and associated alterations, the erection of garages, porches, garden sheds, greenhouses and walls/fences in open plan areas.
ConclusionIt is concluded that the South Lanarkshire Local Plan - Development Management Policies will not have an adverse impact on any of the target equality groups. This is due to the nature of the policies which are designed to positively influence new development to ensure that they take account of their local context and users and seek to enhance and protect communities and the environment. Procedures are already in place to ensure that disability organisations have the opportunity to comment on the design of new developments. Monitoring has indicated that the policies have had no adverse impact on ethnic minority applicants. Consultation on these policies was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning legislation.
Completion datePre 2014
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AreaCouncil Wide