HTR National Diagnostic Project - Customer Contact
Title | HTR National Diagnostic Project - Customer Contact |
Council Resource | Housing and Technical |
Service Area | Housing & Technical Resources |
Aims and Objectives | It is proposed to develop a Council wide strategy for customer contact, and to achieve service delivery cost reductions and efficiences through how the service is delivered. This is a proposed change to the handling of incoming calls to the council and the use of self service mainly via the website. The change is being introduced with the aim of enhancing the service currently provided and streamlining the routes to service. The proposal will allow all groups to access service using a method of their choice. |
Conclusion | The purpose of the policy is to develop a Council wide Strategy for Customer Contact; the change is being introduced to enhance the service currently provided by improving handling of incoming calls and the use of self service via the website. A resident survey, of 4,381 residents in April 2009, specifically focussed on obtaining views around accessing Council services indicates that the majority of service users preferred method of contact is by telephone. A minority prefer face to face contact and web access. It is recognised that people may have particular communication needs, however arrangements are already in place to deal with communication requirements such as translation and interpretation services, text phone and hearing loops. The assessment therefore concludes that these changes are largely internal and will not have any adverse impact on any equality groups. |
Completion date | Pre 2014 |
Contact Email address | |
Area | Council Wide |