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H&TR - Housing Allocation Policy

H&TR - Housing Allocation Policy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleH&TR - Housing Allocation Policy
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing and Technical Resources
Aims and ObjectivesPolicy sets out the basis in which all vacant council housing will be allocated.

Policy amendment made June 2010 in respect of the priority awarded to applicants from Her Majesty's Forces as a result of policy monitoring.
ConclusionThe conclusion of this full equality impact assessment is that there are no adverse impacts on any part of the community covered by equalities legislation, or on community relations.

The assessment did however conclude that scope exists to further promote equality of opportunity as part of the policy implementation process. This can be summarised as follows:-

1. Promotion of access and awareness
2. Promoting service uptake
3. Introducing improved recording and monitoring systems
4. Establish agreed public reporting format (which meets the needs of equalities groups)

Policy amendment - Her Majesty's Forces Applicants - June 2010

Routine monitoring of the Housing Allocation Policy highlighted that HM Forces applicants were not receiving the level of prioritisation originally intended. The amendment has re-classified HM Forces applicants to ensure that they now queue within the urgent housing need list. Feedback from the original policy consultation was broadly supportive of prioritising HM Forces applicants. Additional views were sought from relevant stakeholders on the policy change, the majority of which was supportive of the change.

The impact assessment of the HM Forces policy amendment has concluded that there is no significant adverse impact on any equalities groups.
Completion date13/05/2008
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