Hamilton Old Parish Churchyard
Cemetery | Hamilton Old Parish Churchyard |
Address | Cadzow Lane |
Town | Hamilton |
Postcode | ML3 6AY |
Phone | 0303 123 1016 |
bereavement.services@southlanarkshire.gov.uk | |
Area | Hamilton |
Description | The churchyard surrounds the church which is a ‘A’ listed building and was built between 1729 and 1732. This octagonal building is the only church designed and built by renowned architect William Adam. The churchyard contains the Netherton Cross and Covenanting martyrs memorials. The Netherton Cross dates from the 19th or 11th century and was found the Hamilton Palace grounds and moved to the churchyard in 1926. There are no lairs available within the churchyard however; cremated remains may be scattered or interred within family lairs. There are records dating back to 1813. |
Visiting times | There is open access to the grounds of the cemetery at all times |