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Carluke Household Waste and Recycling Centre

Carluke Household Waste and Recycling Centre | South Lanarkshire Council
NameCarluke Household Waste and Recycling Centre
Booking information

There is a booking system in place. A limited number of cars will be allowed inside at a time. Book your slot below.

Booking systemBook your slot
AddressCraignethan Road, Castlehill Industrial Estate
PostcodeML8 5UF
Opening timesOpening hours from 1 April - 30 September:
Mon - Fri: 8am-8pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm and 5pm-5.30pm daily)
Sat - Sun: 8am - 5pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm daily)
Public holidays: 8am - 5pm

Opening hours from 1 October - 31 March:
Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm daily)
Sat and Sun 8am – 4pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm daily)
Closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day

Last entry to this site from Monday to Sunday will be 15 minutes before it closes. Residents will be denied access after this time.

The site closes completely for health and safety reasons when skips are being emptied/moved.
DescriptionYou will find Carluke civic amenity/recycling centre behind the waste transfer station in Castlehill Industrial Estate, Carluke.
~It has separate skips for green waste, cardboard, scrap metal, construction waste and general waste.
~You can also recycle textiles and books
~Redundant fridges and car batteries can also be left at the site.
~Currently there are no facilities to dispose of motor oil.
~The site now also accepts waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) including fridges, freezers, fluorescent light bulbs, televisions and monitors for recycling purposes.
~Fridges/freezer MUST be emptied of all food and defrosted
~Liquid paint cannot be disposed of at this site unless the left over paint is solidified by either adding a paint hardener or sand/soil.
~Gas bottles and canisters used for camping and barbeques, together with household fire extinguishers can be recycled at this site. Commercial, acetylene, industrial size cylinders and large CO2 cylinders will NOT be accepted.
~ There is no facility to dispose of glass at this site.
~ Trade waste will not be accepted on site unless you purchase tipping vouchers in advance, or you will be asked to leave the site.
The site is attended and assistance is normally available on request.
Vans or cars with trailers- we now accept household waste in cars and vans up to 3.5t in weight and vehicles with trailers less than 2.4m long x 1.2m wide.
- no tipper vehicles are allowed.
Health and safetyThere is no pedestrian access to this recycling centre and children/pets should remain in vehicles at all times. Smoking is not permitted on site.
Commercial wasteTrade waste (via tipping vouchers) accepted Monday to Friday 8am - 2.30pm (charges apply)
Waste from charitiesCharities remain able to dispose of recyclable waste including metal, wood, cardboard and textiles (in the textile banks provided). Domestic waste and bulky items from charities is not currently accepted at our sites.
Phone0303 123 1020