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SW:Carers Strategy for South Lanarkshire 2009-2012

SW:Carers Strategy for South Lanarkshire 2009-2012 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSW:Carers Strategy for South Lanarkshire 2009-2012
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesA partnership review of existing strategy to addrees carers issues in South Lanarkshire, review progress to date and develop action plan for the next three years.

ConclusionThe Strategy aims to support all carers to enable them to continue in their caring role. From monitoring information there is a lower uptake from the black and minority ethnic communities, young carers and men in relation to carer support services.

There are specific actions in the strategy to try and address the gender imbalance and to improve the uptake of services from black and minority ethnic communities and young carers. The strategy will be regularly monitored and progress reported biannually to the Joint Services Management Group and annually to the Health and Care Partnership.

A full impact assessment is not required.

Completion date09/09/2009
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide