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SW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Structure Review

SW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Structure Review | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Structure Review
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesAs part of the annual corporate exercise to secure efficiency savings, it is proposed to simply reporting lines and concentrate management activity in a smaller number of employees.

ConclusionThese proposals have an impact on the entire workforce regardless of any equalities issues. As part of the overall process to concentrate management responsibilites in a smaller number of employees, it is also intended to strengthen front line services, thereby improving service delivery to all, including all equalities groups. This will be a longer term impact stemming from the proposals for a new structure.
The conclusion of this initial equality impact assessment is that there are no adverse impacts on any part of the community covered by equalities legislation, or on community relations.

Completion date10/09/2009
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AreaCouncil Wide