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SW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Budget Realignments

SW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Budget Realignments | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSW Efficiency Savings 2010/11 - Budget Realignments
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesAs part of the annual corporate exercise to secure efficiency savings, it is proposed to re-align the following expenditure budgets on the basis that an efficiency saving has already been achieved due to service development opportunities.

ConclusionThis proposal involves the realignment of a number of budgets. Budget monitoring in prior years has identified that this money has not been required and withdrawal will not impact on service delivery. Therefore, the conclusion of this initial equality impact assessment is that there are no adverse impacts on any part of the community covered by equalities legislation, or on community relations.

Completion date10/09/2009
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide