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Restrictive Intervention Procedure

Restrictive Intervention Procedure | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleRestrictive Intervention Procedure
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesTo provide staff working within the field of adult social care, with guidance and instruction where the use of restraint is being considered.

ConclusionThis initial equality impact assessment has been carried out and it is recognised that there will be differential impact dependent on the service user. However, it is considered that this impact is justifiable on the grounds that restraint in certain cirucmstances will be used to protect both the service user, staff and any other person who may be in the area. As such indvidual care plans will detail the approach to be taken with individuals. All staff will be provided with relevant training and support.

Completion date02/10/2008
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide