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Oral History of Lanarkshire's Mental Health Institutions

Oral History of Lanarkshire's Mental Health Institutions | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleOral History of Lanarkshire's Mental Health Institutions
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesSix month project which will document the experiences of former and existing patients and staff from long stay mental health institutions serving Lanarkshire. It is a joint project between South and North Lanarkshire Councils and is led by the Museums' Service in North Lanarkshire Council. It will involve collecting oral testimony from up to 16 people using oral history methods. The project will result in an archive and it is planned to showcase the work at the Mental Health Arts and Film Festival in October 2008.

ConclusionAlthough this report introduces a new project, this has been screened for equalities issues and is not relevant to the Council?s equalities duties and, therefore, no impact assessment is required.

Completion date30/04/2008
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