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Non Core Budget Reductions 2010/2011: SoLVE Volunteer Centre for South Lanarkshire

Non Core Budget Reductions 2010/2011: SoLVE Volunteer Centre for South Lanarkshire | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleNon Core Budget Reductions 2010/2011: SoLVE Volunteer Centre for South Lanarkshire
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesAmong the services provided by SoLVE, a post has been funded to support the recruitment and retention of volunteers to work in residential and day care services provided by Social Work Resources. This has been at a cost of £30,000 per year. This funding is a fraction of the total funding provided to SoLVE each year to support volunteering. It is also felt that the numbers benefiting from this specific post do not warrent the continuation of this tranche of funding.

ConclusionAmong the services provided by SoLVE, a post has been funded to support the recruitment and retention of volunteers to work in residential and day care services provided by Social Work Resources. This has been at a cost of £30,000 per year. This funding is a fraction of the total funding provided to SoLVE each year to support volunteering. It is felt that the numbers benefiting from this specific post do not warrent the continuation of this tranche of funding and that the service provided in residential and day care settings will continue as part of the generic volunteering service supported by SoLVE. As a result there should be minimal disruption to service users. Monitoring information will be reviewed regularly to ensure that there is no negative impact on our service users.

Completion date29/09/2009
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AreaCouncil Wide