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Efficiency Saving 2009/2010

Efficiency Saving 2009/2010 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleEfficiency Saving 2009/2010
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesAs part of the 2008/09 Savings Strategy, it was agreed to phase the implementation of a review of the financial contribution paid by Social Work Resources for the cost of adaptations to owner occupied properties for people with a disability.

Prior to 2008/09, Social Work Resources paid 100% of the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Executive.

In 2008/09, it was agreed that only 50% of the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Executive would be paid by Social Work Resources.

Consistent with the arrangements now adopted by all local authorities in Scotland, it is proposed that the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Government is paid completely by the owner occupier.

This proposal will impact only on owner occupiers following an assessment of their ability to pay, subject to the national limit of £20,000.

ConclusionAs part of the 2008/09 Savings Strategy, it was agreed to phase the implementation of a review of the financial contribution paid by Social Work Resources for the cost of adaptations to owner occupied properties for people with a disability.

Prior to 2008/09, Social Work Resources paid 100% of the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Executive.

In 2008/09, it was agreed that only 50% of the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Executive would be paid by Social Work Resources.

Consistent with the arrangements now adopted by all local authorities in Scotland, it is proposed that the difference between the cost of the adaptation and the value of the grant from the Scottish Government is paid completely by the owner occupier. This proposal will impact only on owner occupiers following an assessment of their ability to pay, subject to the national limit of £20,000.

Based on the outcome of the initial impact assessment, a full impact assessment is not required.
Completion date02/12/2008
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AreaCouncil Wide