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Efficiency Saving 2009/2010

Efficiency Saving 2009/2010 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleEfficiency Saving 2009/2010
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesThe Clydesdale Integrated Care Project is a joint initiative with NHS Lanarkshire.

South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire each contribute £86,000 to the provision of a home care service for older people within the Clydesdale area. The total cost of the project is therefore £172,000.

Service users access this service following a referral from Social Work Resources. The current cost of the service users? care packages is approximately £26,000. The balance of the financial contribution from South Lanarkshire Council of £60,000 is therefore not fully utilised.

It is proposed to re-provision the service users to one of the current home care providers within the Clydesdale area. The assessed needs of each individual would continue to be met by the new home care provider. It is anticipated that the cost of each care package could be met within the existing home care budget.

ConclusionThe Clydesdale Integrated Care Project is a joint initiative with NHS Lanarkshire.

South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire each contribute £86,000 to the provision of a home care service for older people within the Clydesdale area. The total cost of the project is therefore £172,000.

It is proposed to re-provision the existing service users to one of the current home care providers within the Clydesdale area. The assessed care needs of each individual would continue to be met by the new home care provider. It is anticipated that the cost of each care package could be met within the existing home care budget. A saving of £86,000 is therefore proposed.

Consultation with the stakeholders affected by the 2009/2010 efficiency saving will be undertaken following approval of the 2009/2010 efficiency saving by the Elected Members.

Based on the outcome of the initial impact assessment, a full impact assessment is not required.

Completion date02/12/2008
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