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Charging Proposals 2010/2011: Supported Living Services

Charging Proposals 2010/2011: Supported Living Services | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCharging Proposals 2010/2011: Supported Living Services
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesIt is proposed to implement a revised scale of charges for care services provided for adults with learning and/or physical disabilities. The charge for care services would continue to be based on the individual?s ability to pay and range from no charge with no upper maximum limit, subject to the cost of the service.

ConclusionIt is proposed to implement a revised scale of charges for care services provided for adults with learning and/or physical disabilities. The charge for care services would continue to be based on the individual?s ability to pay and range from no charge with no upper maximum limit, subject to the cost of the service. This will complete the Council's charging policy for all community care groups who recive community care services.

Completion date29/09/2009
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide