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Charging Proposals 2010/2011: Older People ? Care Homes

Charging Proposals 2010/2011: Older People ? Care Homes | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCharging Proposals 2010/2011: Older People ? Care Homes
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaSocial Work Resources
Aims and ObjectivesAs part of the savings strategy for 2009/10, it was agreed at the Executive Committee on 28 January 2009 that the Council would phase in the adoption of the 2009/10 residential care rate recommended by COSLA over the two financial years 2009/10 and 2010/11.

The charge would be based on the resident?s status as follows;

? Before 01.04.08 ? Increase from £287.90 to £292.90.
? Between 01.04.08 and 31.03.09 ? Increase from £361.88 to £368.11
? After 01.04.09 ? Increase from £413.37 to £464.86

ConclusionAs part of the savings strategy for 2009/10, it was agreed at the Executive Committee on 28 January 2009 that the Council would phase in the adoption of the 2009/10 residential care rate recommended by COSLA over the two financial years 2009/10 and 2010/11.

The charge would be based on the resident?s status as follows;

? Before 01.04.08 ? Increase from £287.90 to £292.90.
? Between 01.04.08 and 31.03.09 ? Increase from £361.88 to £368.11
? After 01.04.09 ? Increase from £413.37 to £464.86

The policy was previously impact assessed as part of the 2009/10 efficiency savings strategy. A full impact assessment is not required.

Completion date29/09/2009
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