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H&TR - 10/11 Saving - Review of PC Usage

H&TR - 10/11 Saving - Review of PC Usage | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleH&TR - 10/11 Saving - Review of PC Usage
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing and Technical Resources
Aims and ObjectivesA review of PC usage within Housing and Technical Resources is currently underway to reduce the number of PC's leased by the Resource. This will be delivered through a review of working practices of employees and whether they need PC's fully committed to them to enable them to undertake their work.

ConclusionAs part of the Resources 10/11 savings it is proposed to reduce the number of PC's by reviewing the working practices of our employees. Detailed consultation has been undertaken with managers within the Resource and IT Services to ensure that any plans for reductions do not affect service delivery. As a result of this consultation and the impact assessment undertaken, the Council has reached the conclusion that the implementation of this saving will not have any significant adverse impact on any equality group.

Completion date16/09/2009
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AreaCouncil Wide