Local Transport Strategy 2006 - 2009
Title | Local Transport Strategy 2006 - 2009 |
Council Resource | Community and Enterprise |
Service Area | Community and Enterprise |
Aims and Objectives | LTP 1 - ensure travel by bus is convenient LTP 2 - work on the provision of bus information at each bus stop. LTP 3 - work to develop quality bus partnerships. LTP 4 - improve the quality of bus stop facilities. LTP 5 - support concessionary fares. LTP 6 - ensure that an appropriate level of public transport serves new developments. LTP 7 - ensure that developments are designed so that buses can access them. LTP 8 - There will be a general presumption against the use of vertical speed reduction features on bus routes. LTP 9 - encourage rail travel. LTP 10 - deliver improved rail services. LTP 11 - support initiatives to improve bus and rail timetable co-ordination LTP 12 - actively promote Traveline and Transport Direct. LTP 13 - improve and provide new park and ride facilities. LTP 14 - endeavour to improve interchanges. LTP 15 - provide information and guidance for volunteer groups to set up and run community transport schemes LTP 16 - investigate ways to facilitate the development of such schemes. LTP 17 - promote journeys made on foot and by cycle. LTP 18 - continue to improve walking and cycling facilities. LTP 19 - ensure that all new major developments cater for walking and cycling. LTP 20 - work with other agencies to integrate and promote walking and cycling as forms of transport. LTP 21 - target footway maintenance in areas with high incidence of trips and slips. LTP 22 - develop and promote a cycling strategy. LTP 23 - implement and promote the Outdoor Access Strategy. LTP 24 - ensure that policies and actions to increase cycling and meet the needs of cyclists are fully integrated into all appropriate policies, studies and strategies. LTP 25 - To increase the number of wheelchair accessible taxis . LTP 26 - To facilitate the safe use of taxis. LTP 27 - endeavour to increase the mode share of motorcyclists. |
Conclusion | ? The conclusion of this initial equality impact assessment is that there are no adverse impacts on any part of the community covered by equalities legislation, or on community relations. We can however work better with disability groups. |
Completion date | 23/05/2008 |
Contact Email address | equalities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk |
Area | Council Wide |