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Quarter - North Crookedstone Farm

Quarter - North Crookedstone Farm | South Lanarkshire Council
AddressNorth Crookedstone Farm, Limekilnburn Road, Quarter, Hamilton
Reference numberENF/HM/08/0036
Type of noticeEnforcement notice
Notice served onHugh Murphy, M & S Homes, Unit 261 Embroidery Mill, Abbeymill Business Centre, Paisley, PA1 1TJ
Summary of the breachNon compliance with conditions of HM/06/0840, including the demolition and rebuilding of internal and exteral walls without consent
RequirementsCease all works on site and submit a revided planning application in order for the Council to consider the proposed alterations
Date notice served16-Jun-09
Effective date20-Jul-09
Date of complianceWithdrawn