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Blantyre - Sandhead Terrace

Blantyre - Sandhead Terrace | South Lanarkshire Council
AddressLand at 50 Sandhead Terrace, Blantyre
Reference numberENF/HM/08/0122
Type of noticeEnforcement notice
Notice served onJames Steele and Audrey McLaren, 50 Sandhead Terrace, West Craigs, Blantyre
Summary of the breachCarrying out Earth Engineering Works without Planning Consent
RequirementsCease all excavation works, Backfill all excavation works and restore the area to its former condition including the restoration of boundary fences. Restore all damaged/removed structureal planting on the buffer zone between Sandhead Terrace and Huntley Gardens and to the rear South West of 50 Sandhead Terrace
Date notice served27-Nov-08
Effective date30-Dec-08
Date of complianceYes