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Rutherglen - Main Street

Rutherglen - Main Street | South Lanarkshire Council
Address222 Main Street, Rutherglen, G73 2HP
Reference numberENF/CR/09/0006
Type of noticeAdvertisement enforcement Notice (Regulation 24)
Notice served onMr Dario Zambonini, 82 Sherry Avenue, Holytown, ML1 4YD
Summary of the breachDisplay of Adverts Contrary to Policies ENV4, Protection of the Natural and Built Environment and ENV25, Conservation Areas of the adopted South Lanarkshire Local Plan 2009 Also Contrary to Policies ENV11, Design Quality and DM1, Development Management of the adopted South Lanarkshire Local Plan 2009 Also Contrary to the Council?s Shopfront Design Guide and could set an undesirable precedent
RequirementsCease the display of the three non-illuminated advertisement signs by removing them from the front elevation of the property
Date notice served17-Feb-10
Effective date01-Apr-10
Date of compliance12-Aug-10