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Cambuslang - Land East of Redlawood Road,

Cambuslang - Land East of Redlawood Road, | South Lanarkshire Council
AddressLand East of Redlawood Road, Cambuslang, Cambuslang, G72
Reference numberCR/EN/04/016
Type of noticeEnforcement notice
Notice served onMr J Argo, ?Gowenbank?, Newton, Cambuslang, G72 7UQ, (land owner)Owners/Occupiers of Caravans No 1 to No 7, land East of Redlawood Road, Newton, Cambuslang, G72Ms Margaret McGuigan or her Successors in Title, 47 Hamilton Road, Cambuslang, G72 7NT, (land owner)
Summary of the breachWithout Planning Permission, the unauthorised change of use of the land to a travelling persons site with associated vehicle, structures and scrap
RequirementsCease the use of the land as a travelling persons site, and remove all caravans and associated vehicles, structures and scrap from the site
Date notice served25-Feb-09
Effective date01-Apr-09
Date of compliance01-Jul-09