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Cambuslang - Hamilton Road

Cambuslang - Hamilton Road | South Lanarkshire Council
Address43 Hamilton Road, Cambuslang, G72
Reference numberCR/EN/07/019
Type of noticeAdvertisement discontinuance notice (Regulation 14)
Notice served onThe Company Secretary, Forrest Securities Ltd, 7 Seaward Street, Paisley Road, Glasgow, G41 1HJThe Company Secretary, Clear Channel UK Ltd, 32 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6JT
Summary of the breachDisplay of adverts contrary to policy RES9 of adopted Cambuslang/ Rutherglen Local Plan 2002 and Policy RES6 of the Finalised South Lanarkshire Local Plan (After Modifications) 2007
RequirementsCease the display of the advertisements, and remove the two 48 sheet hoardings from the site
Date notice served24-Mar-09
Effective date27-Apr-09
Date of compliance03-Feb-10