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Carbon Management Plan

Carbon Management Plan | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCarbon Management Plan
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaCommunity Resources
Aims and ObjectivesThe plan outlines the main sources of Council greenhouse gas emissions and current trends for each. It outlines the many challenges the Council faces in trying to reduce its direct emissions to adapt to a future low carbon economy. Actions outlined in the plan, which have already taken place, include enhancements to the Council?s capacity to undertake carbon management. This plan will run until 2010/11. During this time an annual review will be undertaken to quantify ongoing opportunities for carbon reductions and any associated financial savings. Emissions of carbon will now be quantified every year in order to track performance relative to the 2005/06 emissions baseline.
ConclusionThe conclusion of this initial equality impact assessment is that there are not any adverse impacts on any part of the community covered by equalities legislation or on community relations. This document details South Lanarkshire Council's main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Feedback or complaints relating to this plan that are received will be monitored by the Council's Carbon Management Group. Progress against the carbon reduction target included within the plan will be reported on an annual basis.

Completion date19/06/2008
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide