Getting it Right for Every Child
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is the National approach and underpins the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide all children, young people and their families with the right support at the right time so that every child and young person in Scotland can reach their full potential. GIRFEC, alongside the Promise and incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law is one of three main pillars which underpin all policy and legislation that relates to children, young people and families in Scotland.
Most children and young people get all the support and help they need from their parent(s)/carer(s), wider family and local community. There may be times, however, when a child or family need additional advice or support. The GIRFEC approach helps children and their families to work in partnership with services that can help them. When services work together and keep the child at the centre of all planning and actions, outcomes for children will improve.
GIRFEC starts with the universal services of health and education, focusing on early intervention, support and advice.
Our vision for children and young people living in South Lanarkshire is that they will be safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible, and included so they can realise their potential and grow to be successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
We have been embedding the GIRFEC approach for a number of years and practice continues to develop as we work to realise our vision to get it right for all of our children and young people.
Refreshed guidance was issued by the Scottish Government in October 2022 and although there are no significant changes in relation to practice expectations, there are some key changes that can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Getting it right for every child – Policy Statement – 2022
If you want to find out more about GIRFEC follow this link to the Scottish Government’s GIRFEC website.
Key Documents:
Children's Services Plan 2023-2026
Children's Services Plan 2023-2026 - Annual Progress Report 2023-2024