Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans (LPP’s) are community-led plans which set out the proposal for the development and use of land; and for local communities to explore the needs for their area and set priorities for the future of their communities. This can assist in the development of local collaborations and grow community capacity and contribute to reducing the many challenges being faced today including climate change, nature crisis and reducing inequalities.
LPP’s are required to be registered by the local Planning Authority (South Lanarkshire Council’s Planning Services) who have a legal responsibility to take these into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan (LDP).
The council’s Planning Service is preparing its third Local Development Plan (SLLDP3) which will set out planning policies and proposals for the development and use of land across South Lanarkshire for the next ten years. Communities can start developing LPP’s at any time, however, the council will formally invite community bodies to prepare a Local Place Plan once the SLLDP3 process starts.
To help communities consider whether they wish to prepare a Local Place Plan, a toolkit and guidance is being prepared to raise awareness in communities including details on the council’s website and meetings have taken place with Community Partnerships to advise of the option to do this work.
How can you get involved?
If you are interested in preparing a LPP, you can contact the council’s Planning Policy Team by emailing lpp@southlanarkshire.gov.uk who will be happy to provide advice or assist in submitting a LPP.
Further information
Local Place Plans - South Lanarkshire Council
Local place plans: literature review and final report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)