Community Planning Events

Climate and Nature Event – 24 October 2023
A Community Planning Climate and Nature Event was held on 24 October 2023 within the Council Offices, Hamilton. The event provided an opportunity for members of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP), community groups and young people to find out how they could work together and to take action to address the impacts of climate change.
Key speakers were Laura Young (Less Waste Laura) who is an award-winning climate advocate and environmental scientist and Alex Cameron-Smith of Sniffer, which is an environmental charity, working across Scotland on the three key themes of leadership, placemaking and innovation.
Various conversation cafes were also facilitated by local community groups and these focused on the themes of: Green Travel; Communities in Action; Nature Based Solutions; Food Growing; and Engagement.
Students from South Lanarkshire College were also in attendance to record the feedback from the speakers and conversation cafes and you can view their graphic here. (If you have any issues viewing this graphic or would like a copy please email:
Feedback from the event will assist in developing the actions within the South Lanarkshire Community Plan Development Plan.