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East Kilbride and Strathaven Community Partnership

South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership is wholly committed to ensuring that communities are fully engaged in the process of Community Planning.  To achieve this, and to strengthen local democracy and community-led decision making, locality-based Community Partnerships are being developed.  Two have already been formed in the Cambuslang/Rutherglen and Clydesdale locality, and a further two are in development in the East Kilbride and Hamilton localities.  Since June 2022, a representative from each of the two established Community Partnerships have attended the Community Planning Partnership Strategic Board on behalf of their group.

The East Kilbride and Strathaven Community Partnership is in the process of being established to ensure that communities are represented, influential and fully engaged in community planning, and will act as an intermediary, building links between communities in the East Kilbride and Strathaven locality, and the work of the South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership Board.  The Community Partnership will ensure opportunities for community involvement and influence in community planning are maximised.  The purpose of this network of Community Councils, Neighbourhood Planning Groups, and other area stakeholder groups from across the East Kilbride and Strathaven locality, will also be to act as a consultative group for service redesign and new service delivery proposals from partners.