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Health Issues in the Community

Health Issues in the Community (HIIC) is a training course that enables participants to develop their understanding of the range of factors that affect their health and the health of their communities and to explore how these factors can be addressed using community development approaches.

The core underpinning theme of HIIC is community development.  Although this term can be used to describe many different types of activity the particular perspective that is taken here places value on supporting individuals to work collectively; on extending participatory democracy; and on social justice and equity.

The course draws on a social model of health which views health and illness as having as much to do with economic and social factors as with individual behaviour.  It seeks to promote the value of equity in terms of equal access to health, and to counter discrimination. The course supports people to participate in decision-making processes and to take a more active role in the planning and delivery of services.


Staff and volunteers working in our neighbourhood planning areas completed the Health Issues In the Community (HIIC) two day training course and are now putting into practice what they have learned in our priority communities across South Lanarkshire.  Through the course participants gain a broad understanding of the social model of health, health inequalities, power and participation and community development approaches in health – and how they can use these to make change happen in their communities.  Each participant is given a delivery pack to allow them to deliver courses that are bespoke to the communities and groups they work with.

If you would like to hear more about HIIC please visit the website: https://www.hiic.org.uk/ or contact: communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk.