Home Community Matters Cambuslang East, Our Place Our Plan

Cambuslang East, Our Place Our Plan

Cambuslang East, Our Place Our Plan

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Neighbourhood Planning in Cambuslang East



Cambuslang East is made up of different areas such as Halfway, Overton, Cairns, Westburn, Flemington, Lightburn, Circuit, Drumsagard, Newton, Hallside, and Gilbertfield. Among these areas, there are three Community Planning Partnership priority areas in Circuit, Halfway, and Westburn. Cambuslang East has a lot of active groups and organisations that work in the community. The population of this area is over 18,000, and it's a lively, diverse community that sits within electoral Ward 14.

Our Place Our Plan Cambuslang East sets out priorities and highlights the positive things going on for our community of Cambuslang East as a whole ward as well as Circuit, Westburn and Halfway as individual communities identified by residents between November 2019 and January 2020. A local community action group produced this plan. Most members are local residents however we are joined by representatives from key local agencies and organisations.

You will see we have used the data gathered through the survey to set ten priority themes for Cambuslang East as a whole as well as Circuit, Westburn and Halfway as individual communities.

Our plans and reports

Cambuslang East Progress Report - 2022-2023 (ODT)
Cambuslang East Progress Report – 2021-2022 (ODT)
Cambuslang East Progress Report – 2020-2021 (ODT)

Cambuslang East Neighbourhood Plan (ODT)

Getting involved in Cambuslang East

If you would like to get involved please contact 0303 123 1017 or email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk


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