Home Community Matters Whitehill, Our Place Our Plan

Whitehill, Our Place Our Plan

Whitehill, Our Place Our Plan

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Neighbourhood Planning in South Lanarkshire - Whitehill


Whitehill is an area in North Hamilton with a population of around 2500 people. The area has been established for around 100 years but has seen a lot of development over the past 20 years or so. Recent developments within the area include the replacement of social housing, an introduction of a care/retirement facility and a community and sports centre which also includes a youth facility. Just outside of Whitehill, there is a local football stadium and retail park offering opportunities for work and access to local shops and services without the need to travel in to the town centre. Whitehill also has two primary schools, a local secondary school, a number of vibrant community groups and organisations.  

Our Place Our Plan – Whitehill sets out priorities identified by its residents and highlights the great work happening in the area which has made a positive contribution. The Our Place Our Plan group is made up of residents and representatives from local and national organisations.

Our plans and reports

Whitehill Progress Report 2022-2023 (ODT)
Whitehill Neighbourhood Plan (ODT)

Whitehill in the news

Local people have say in where public money is spent - South Lanarkshire View 

Football fun ahead for Whitehill young people - South Lanarkshire View

Getting involved in Whitehill

If you would like to get involved please contact 0303 123 1017 or email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk


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