Home Community Matters Hamilton South, Our Place Our Plan

Hamilton South, Our Place Our Plan

Hamilton South, Our Place Our Plan

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Neighbourhood Planning in Hamilton South


Hamilton South is a ward with a population of over 22,000, that covers a number of areas, some of which are a priority for the Community Planning Partnership. Low Waters, Fairhill and Eddlewood are priority areas and subject to neighbourhood planning, which was started in Summer 2023 with a local stakeholder group representing all three areas, as well as community planning partners.

Our Place Our Plan Hamilton South has set out its priorities using the previous plan created for Fairhill by widening its scope to cover all areas and identifying tangible outcomes that will benefit both the individual and collective communities.

Hamilton South has a number of community assets and some local groups who work with key organisations for the benefit of their community and beyond. Our place our plan model will give all stakeholders the opportunity to widen networks, share resources and work together to influence and shape their communities from within.

Our Plans and Reports

Fairhill Progress Report - 2022-2023 (ODT)
Fairhill Progress Report – 2021-2022 (ODT)
Fairhill Progress Report – 2020-2021 (ODT)
Fairhill Neighbourhood Plan (ODT)

Getting involved in Hamilton South

If you would like to get involved please contact 0303 123 1017 or email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk

Neighbourhood Planning in Hamilton South