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Strutherhill and Birkenshaw, Our Place Our Plan

Strutherhill and Birkenshaw, Our Place Our Plan

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Neighbourhood Planning in Strutherhill and Birkenshaw



Strutherhill and Birkenshaw is a neighbourhood in the South of Larkhall and has a population of 3,554.

The area benefits from several well-established groups that provide social and recreational opportunities for all ages. The kind of services available to local residents include two youth projects, a women’s guild, scouts, army cadets, breakfast clubs and after school care, as well as child and family focused activities. The neighbourhood also includes several buildings and facilities that can be listed as community assets these include two primary schools (one with a community wing for use by local residents of all ages), two nurseries, one church with lettable space, two play areas, three MUGA’s (Multi Use Games Areas), playing fields and Morgan Glen, which is a natural woodland. Although the neighbourhood is predominately made up from council housing from the 1950’s/ 60’s the area has been subject to substantial private sector housing development in recent years.

The Our Place Our Plan Community Group is taking a leading role in realising the ten priority themes of the Strutherhill and Birkenshaw neighbourhood plan. The role of the group is to actively engage with the wider community and to keep local residents both involved and informed of progress with the plan and activity linked to the related themes. 

Our Plans and Reports

Strutherhill and Birkenshaw Progress Report - 2022-2023 (ODT)
Strutherhill and Birkenshaw Progress Report – 2021-2022 (ODT)
Strutherhill and Birkenshaw Progress Report – 2020-2021 (ODT)
Strutherhill and Birkenshaw Progress Report – 2019-2020 (ODT) 
Strutherhill and Birkenshaw Neighbourhood Plan (ODT)

Getting involved in Strutherhill and Birkenshaw

If you would like to get involved please contact 0303 123 1017 or email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk 

Community Links please contact 01698 827583 or email liz@communitylinkssl.co.uk  



Neighbourhood Planning in Strutherhill and Birkenshaw