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Fly-tipping is a serious, unsightly and illegal action undertaken by a minority of the community, such actions can have a large impact on a local community as well as affecting council budgets for the removal of such waste.

Fly-tipping can adversely affect communities as it can make streets and open spaces look neglected as well attract anti social behaviour such as vandalism, fly posting and litter. All of this contributes to the decline of an area and increases the fear of crime, it can affect trade, tourism and investment in that area.

Any individual or business who fly tips anything on council or private land is committing an offence and could face a fine of up to £40,000.

Who deals with fly-tipping?

  • on public land such as roads and parks, we are responsible for clearing and investigating illegal dumping. We will use any available evidence to find and prosecute those responsible
  • on private land, it's the responsibility of the landowner to remove it and dispose of it responsibly

If you see anyone dumping rubbish/waste or want to report fly-tipping let us know by completing our online form. Please provide as much information as possible such as location and the type of waste that has been dumped.

When we come across any fly-tipping or waste that has been dumped on council owned land we will uplift it. However our Environmental Health team will go through the waste to identify those individuals who may have dumped the waste. We are also using CCTV to identify and record these illegal activities to secure a successful prosecution of offenders.

Related content

  1. Fly-tipping
  2. Fixed penalty notices and how to pay