A to Z
Care homes
We have eight residential care homes that offer permanent care or regular temporary respite care. For more information please see Choosing a care home.
Further Information
- Supporting Your Independence
- Celebrating your 100th birthday
- Sheltered housing
- Housing options for older people
- Lunch clubs
- Care costs and benefits advice for people moving to care homes
- Sensory support
- Library home delivery service
- Care Opinion
- Preventing falls
- Safe use of emollients and skin creams
- Adaptations, equipment and occupational therapy
- Diamond weddings
- Golden weddings
- Care and Repair in Lanarkshire
- Care at Home Service
- Health and Social Care Integration
- Meaningful activities and activities of daily living for older people
- Self-directed support (SDS)
- Care of gardens scheme
- Assistive technology
- Choosing a care home
- Day care services for adults and older people
- Meals at home
- Care costs and benefits advice for people living at home