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We are committed to listening to the views of residents and people in our communities to make sure that we deliver excellent services that are relevant to local needs.

We try to make all our policies and services meet the needs of our customers. To help us to do this we need to know the views of people who use or who might use our services.
We would encourage you to be part of our People’s Panel. The People’s Panel is a panel of residents made up of members of the public who live in the south Lanarkshire area.
Membership of the People's Panel is voluntary and allows you to take part in issues that you have an interest in. If you decide that you would like to opt out at any point you are free to do so.

Current Consultations

To find out or check what Consultations consultations are happening now.

Archive of completed consultations 

See the consultations we have carried out in the past under archive of competed consultations

Council services regularly consult residents and service users. You can check any public consultations in South Lanarkshire by visiting Consultations - South Lanarkshire Council.